Back Stories Rocky Roads Characters

Time and Space in the Rocky Roads Universe

In a world where dogs become Private Detectives chronological and geographic incongruities should not be surprising.  The Rocky Roads universe exists in a world essentially of a 1950’s  vintage. But there is frequent use of cell phones and computers. The blend of old and new is intended to add to the dark mystic nature of the series. Likewise geography is played fast and loose.  The actual place of Rocky’s agency is unclear. Rather than a specific locale, we are told that it is in “the City” whatever that might be. Occasionally places in real time and space are mentioned, but frequently with a satirical or comic style.

Rocky Roads

Little is known about Rocky’s origins. Evidently he grew up in a small town in Midwest America, served in the Army, saw action in Korea. The years after Korea are clouded with mystery. Ellsworth, who knows him better than anyone else says he was wounded in action, but Rocky doesn’t discuss it. Although he is by no means the tough guy traditionally associated with private detectives, surprising knowledge of Oriental martial arts occasionally pops up. (The Huge Snooze)

Eventually he became involved in law enforcement, but left because rules were too confining.  Soon after Rocky started his detective agency, Ellsworth, a strange friend from the dark era, joined the agency. Rocky has a very private life, lives alone in a small apartment, and seems to have very little social life. No girlfriend so far.


Ellsworth is a creature of indeterminate origin.  He was born in Argentina and is fluent in Spanish.  His immediate Family came to the United States at some point and became American Citizens. He has an Aunt, Uncle and Cousin living in the US. He has relatives in Argentina, Uncle Carlos and family who owns a business in Buenos Aries and Uncle Alba who owns a big cattle ranch. (Rocky Roads in South America  2024) The family originally immigrated to South America from an obscure small country in eastern central Europe. There are  still some Family members in the Old Country.

 Like Rocky, there is a dark period in his life where little is known for several years.  Somewhere he and Rocky became acquainted.  Ellsworth joined Rocky early in the development of the agency. Ellsworth has become the best friend Rocky has.  Ellsworth is a genius with an incredible range of knowledge and an uncanny ability for computer applications. Besides Spanish, Ellsworth speaks German and the Family’s original tongue an exotic obscure Eastern European language.


Gertrude Gotts was born in Chile, her Family immigrated to the US when she was a small child. She speaks Spanish with a South American accent, but speaks perfect English with no accent.  She attended Catholic Schools and graduated from a Community College. She is a strong self-confident woman. She has had various secretarial jobs and took the job with Rocky’s agency because she thought it might be more exciting than most office jobs. She has had several boyfriends, but nothing serious. She lives alone in a modest apartment.


The most enigmatic person of all.   Willy is a member of an indigenous tribe whose roots are in the swamp areas of the Southern United States.  His people mostly live in very remote regions and little is known about them.  They speak an ancient language virtually unknown to the outside world, and for the most part avoid the external world. Willy left his Family home as a young man. Highly intelligent he sought a bigger scope of life.  His early life in the swamp and the dangers living in primitive conditions taught him skills in observation, concealment, stalking etc. that he was able to transfer to modern commercial life. He still maintains contact with other members of the Willy Family. Yes, Willy is his Family name. He rigorously avoids using his First Name which he despises. Ellsworth, being who he is, was able to ferret out the name, but swore secrecy.  (Algernon)

Captain MaGurk

Chief of City Police

A former Marine, MaGurk saw action in Korea. After Military Service he found employment in Law Enforcement, working his way up to become Chief of Police for the City. His office is in the City Administration Building. He is a tough seasoned Law Enforcement Officer, gruff on the outside, but has a sense of humor and basically a good heart. Basically, MaGurk and Rocky get along all right, but sometimes they get on each other’s nerves. MaGurk suspects Rocky sometimes “pushes the envelope” with what is legal and what is not. Basically, he is right. He also knows that Ellsworth is sometimes guilty of illegally hacking Government and Corporate computer files, but he also knows that Ellsworth is a genius and far too smart to get caught. The City Police and the Rocky Roads Detective Agency have a guardedly, mutual respect, and deal with each other cautiously.

Hilda Hardinacker

The Agency Secretary

Hilda is from a small town in Iowa. She always dreamed of living in an exciting metropolis. She came to The City with a suitcase and high hopes. She found a place to live in a rooming house. While The City is not quite what she imagined, she is content to be where she is. Initially she did temp. office work and was glad to get the job with the Rocky Roads Detective Agency. The workload includes typing and filing reports, taking phone calls, and serving as receptionist. She has had a boyfriend, but is not currently dating anyone. She finds the detectives, including Gert, friendly, but tough and a little intimidating.